Category Archives: Uncategorized

How to Effectively Implement CIS Controls in Your Business

Person typing on a laptop with shield floating above it

In an increasingly digital world where businesses rely heavily on technology, the need for robust cybersecurity measures has never been more critical. The Center for Internet Security (CIS) provides a comprehensive set of best practices, known as CIS Critical Security Controls, to help organizations safeguard their digital infrastructure.  But having a set of guidelines is […]

7 Reasons Why Small Businesses Can’t Afford to Ignore Cybersecurity

Small business going over an IT strategy plan

No business—big or small, is immune to the pervasive threat of cyber attacks. The scope and diversity of these attacks range from costly data breaches to crippling ransomware, making the cyber threat landscape a flourishing battlefield. It’s an omnipresent danger lurking in the shadows of the internet, ready to exploit any vulnerability.

How Important is it to Align Your Business Goals with Your IT Goals?

Goals you can achieve with IT services

In the fast-paced world of professional service firms, staying ahead of the competition requires a strong alignment between business objectives and IT strategies. Strategic IT planning, coupled with a collaborative partnership with managed service providers (MSPs), offers professional service firms a winning formula for success.

What’s the Difference Between In-House IT & an Outsourced Partner?

Team meeting over a video call

As a business manager, juggling your organization’s technology requirements with your other tasks can often hinder your growth and give you less time to pursue crucial opportunities. Having a reliable technology partner can make a huge difference when making critical business decisions that will affect the overall bottom line!